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Sunday, 24 July 2011

Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2

After waiting for deathly hallows part 2 to release by counting days and months and whining that my friends got to see it before me ... I finally convinced my parents to take me to the movie .. So , on Sunday , I finally got to see it .
The movie takes awesomeness to the next level .. I mean, my mouth was so wide open throughout the movie that I couldn't chew the popcorn ... I had to swallow it .
When you watch it , it feels like you are literally in the movie. And if you know me , you would know that I don't get emotional while seeing movies , but I have to admit that I cried when Snape died !!!
 It also has a truck load of action and cool special effects.
I know most of you would have seen it , but if you didn't, go watch it fast cause it's the talk of the town!!
Here's the trailer ....


  1. so, who's your favorite harry potter actor (not character)?

  2. Hi Sammy,

    I totally agree with you on the awsomeness of the HP movie. :)

    Your website is very cool
